OAuth Integration
Access your user's resources in 5 lines
- Integrate OAuth in 90 seconds
- 100+ API providers available
- SDKs available for JavaScript, NodeJS, PHP, iOS, Android, Phonegap
- Easy integration management in your OAuth.io dashboard
OAuth.popup('facebook').then((facebook) => { return facebook.me() }).then((me) => { console.log('Your name is ' + me.name) }).catch((error) => { console.error(error) })

User Management

Simplified User Management
- Simplified social sign in / sign up with our SDK
- Use any of our 100+ providers for your user management
- Support for traditional email/password sign up
User.signin(email, password).done((user) => { console.log(user.data.firstname); }).fail((err) => { // email/password incorrect. });
OAuth Server
Become the provider
- Easily add an OAuth 2.0 layer on your existing API
- Become a platform and let developers build apps over your service
- Either choose OAuth.io as your developer portal or create your own
- Your service automatically available in OAuth.io
app.get('/me', OAuthProvider.OAuth2.check(), (req, res, next) => { let user = req.session.user, response delete user.password if (req.OAuth2.scope['user_info']) { response = user } else { response = { error: 'Access not permitted by user' } } res.send(response) });

Subscription & Pricing
No credit card required to signup
OAuth Integration & User Management plans
$ 19
20,000 API calls / mth
Support type: Emails
$ 99
400,000 API calls / mth
Support type: Priority emails
$ 299
8,000,000 API calls / mth
Support type: Priority emails